Building Communities

I care a lot about the mobile software community, and I’m on a mission to make it a more diverse and welcoming environment that is interesting and fun for everyone.

Present & Future

No events planned right now.


I’ve hosted Mobile Tea Seattle, a quarterly mobile community meetup together with my friends Giorgio Natili and Nate Ebel.

April 2019  Droidcon Boston, Boston, MA, USA

I’ve been part of the core team that organized Droidcon Boston, an Android developer conference with 400+ attendees. My responsibilities included: the schedule, coordinating speakers, and working on accessibility aspects of the conference.

2014 – 2015  Mobile Maultaschen, Stuttgart, Germany

I was the founder and organizer of a monthly meet-up for mobile developers with 20-30 participants. The meeting is still active and going strong.

January – March 2015 Teaching at SAE Institute Stuttgart, Germany

I was teaching a class called “Introduction to mobile app development”.

26th-29th March 2012 Developer Advisory Board Member & Judge

I was responsible for the iOS-track and one of the judges of the “Mobile Tech Award 2012” at the Mobile Technology Conference, Munich, Germany.

2010 – 2012 GTUG/GDG Stuttgart Lead, Stuttgart, Germany

I was a leader of the local GDG (Google Developer Group) chapter.

June 2011 Android Developer Camp Stuttgart 2, Stuttgart, Germany

I was the main organizer for Android Developer Camp Stuttgart 2, a BarCamp for Android developers with 300+ participants. It was the 2nd largest Android developer event in Germany in 2011.

June 2010 Android Developer Camp Stuttgart 1, Stuttgart, Germany

I was part of the crew for Android Developer Camp Stuttgart 1, a BarCamp for Android developers with 100+ participants. It was the largest Android developer event in Germany in 2010.